& we know is never SIMPLE, never EASY... but you're THE ONLY THING I KNOW as the back of my hand...

Monday, February 22, 2010

I was thinking

wow is like IMPOSSIBLE, but is real, our little Jonas is growing Up so FAST! YOU ALWAYS WILL BE THE CUTEST ONE HAHAHA damn Nick! I LOVE SO U MUCH! U mean so much for me since the very fist time I saw you... I can't believe how u just become in everything to me you and your brothers are my life & right now I know I couldn't live without you in my life! Jonas Brothers is wired right now, not to see you always with Joe and Kev is strange!
And even I know JB is NOT OVER! Nothing's gonna be the same right now...
without YOU Cuz everything's ALLRIGHT, when you're RIGHT HERE by my side...

Watch every video where you are... smiling and singing make me feel so good and I always cry because it to muhc for mee see you there, ALONE not to see you next to your brothers is hard and wired but I love U. can't wait to have Who I Am with Me :)

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